A Musical Appeal to Save the Earth, with Dr. G. Victoria Campbell
Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you willingly jumped out of your comfort zone, to pursue a completely new and unknown path? In this episode, we visit with Victoria Campbell, PhD., HR professional, eco-activist and musical composer, as she shares her fascinating journey of discovery from business professional to creator of the eco-musical, “Treeson.” Her story is filled with inspirational gems from which all of us, when we’re ready to hear the message, can learn and grow. Victoria shares a few very special gifts, so we Hope you will listen, from start to finish and we Hope you are as moved and inspired as we are!
Show Notes
Challenges for Action
What compelling challenge do you have a passion for, that you need to give yourself permission to pursue? What do you need, to get started?
What small steps toward change are you ready to make? What will you do to maintain your motivation?
Sources and Links
TREESON: An Eco-Musical (treesonmusical.com)
FaceBook/Instagram: gvictoriacampbell